Today marks the beginning of a new chapter in the lives of the first generation of Bakery School Mexico students. They now have have the necessary “ingredients and recipes” that the Mexican Bakery-, Patisserie- and Chocolate sector needs.
During an uncommon graduation event due to the current COVID-19 situation, estranged but more united than ever, connected to one another, they celebrated the end of the studies, accompanied by the well-known Mexican Chef, Aquiles Chavéz, as their godfather. Now, more than ever we had looked forward to this moment, in which they’ll finally step into the future with purpose, vision, passion, energy and hope.
We were really grateful and happy to celebrate their accomplishments!
All students will now be able to put to the test what they’ve learned over the past 2 years at the Bakery School.
They are leaving with all the ingredients, yes, but it will be up to each one of them to “bake their future ” worthy of their talent. It is time for them to show the world what the First Generation of Bakery School Mexico is made of.
Our gratitude, admiration and recognition goes to those who have made this project and this moment a reality.
Thank you to all the teachers and the Puratos Mexico Team.
We are sure that this new generation of Mexican Bakers, Confectioners and Chocolatiers will be an inspiration for future generations!